How 4CYTE can help dogs with arthritis

Getting older is inevitable, and sometimes comes with aches and pains. No, we’re not talking about your grandparents. We’re talking about your dog! 

Yes, even our canine friends can start to feel old age in their joints due to arthritis, so it’s important that as they get older, we look at ways to make them more comfortable. 

Dog arthritis symptoms

If your dog has a few of the following symptoms, or they are over the age of 7, it might mean they have arthritis.

·      Slow to rise or lay down


·      Cracking or popping during movement

·      Less active and lethargic

·      Licking joint areas

·      Yelping when touched

·      A change in personality

One of the ways vets can help treat arthritis or prevent arthritis in younger dogs, is by using joint supplements. And one of our favourite joint supplements for dogs is 4CYTE (not sponsored). 

What is 4CYTE?

4CYTE is a joint supplement for dogs which contains ingredients that help to reduce arthritic symptoms. It’s also great for large breed dogs or active dogs that are more prone to joint and cartilage issues. 


4CYTE comes in small granules that you add to your dogs food. It smells awful to us, but we’ve never met a dog who didn’t like them (and we’ve got some fussy dog patients!).

A lot of the vet nurses here at Doncaster have used 4CYTE with their dogs and have found it made a difference in their movement and demeanour. 

If you think your dog might have arthritis, or if your dog has recently been diagnosed with arthritis, why not give 4CYTE a try? 

Give us a call on 9842 5330 to discuss joint supplements for your dog today and check out our products page to see more helpful pet products


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