Blood tests give veterinarians a greater understanding of what is happening inside your pet, how their vital organs are functioning and if there are any abnormalities that aren’t visible to the human eye. There are a number of reasons why your dog or cat might require a blood test.
They are showing symptoms of an illness or disease
They are about to undergo major surgery
They have an ongoing medical issue that requires monitoring
They are on long-term medication
It is an emergency
To confirm a diagnosis
Pathology at Doncaster Vet
At Doncaster Veterinary Hospital, we have laboratory equipment that can perform most full blood count and biochemistry tests. If your pet needs a specialised blood test, we can send blood samples to a specialist Melbourne vet pathology lab as well. These can take as little as 24 hours or up to 5 days to come back to us and the vet will then call you to discuss the results and formulate a treatment plan based on the findings.