Female dog desexing in Melbourne

At Doncaster Vet Hospital, we believe desexing your female dog is an important decision that can lead to a healthier and happier life for your furry friend. Our experienced vets are passionate about keeping your female dog healthy and protected from the risks of an un-desexed dog.

What is desexing?

Female dog desexing, also known as spaying, is a surgical procedure that involves removing the ovaries and uterus of a female dog. This is a permanent procedure that cannot be reversed. Female dogs will no longer come on heat and can't become pregnant.

The risk of pregnancy is very high for an un-desexed female dog, as male dogs can sense when a female dog is in heat and will stop at nothing to impregnate her. That's why it's important to get your female dog desexed before she has her first cycle.

Looking to get your female dog desexed in Melbourne?

When to get your female dog desexed

We recommend desexing your female dog when she is between 6-12 months old. However, the best time to desex your dog may depend on her breed, size, and health status.

We recommend scheduling a consultation with one of our veterinarians to determine the best time for your dog.

The benefits of desexing your female dog

There are many benefits to having desexed female dogs, including the following:

Reducing the risk of certain health problems

Desexing a female dog, also known as spaying, can help prevent several health problems and reproductive diseases, including:

  1. Mammary cancer: Desexing a female dog before her first heat cycle can significantly reduce the risk of mammary tumours. These tumours are malignant in about 50% of dogs and can be fatal if not treated promptly.

  2. Uterine Infections: Desexing eliminates the risk of uterine infections, also known as pyometra, which can be life-threatening and require emergency surgery.

  3. Ovarian and Uterine Cancer: By removing the ovaries and uterus, desexing can eliminate the risk of ovarian and uterine cancer in female dogs.

It is important to note that while desexing can significantly reduce the risk of these health problems, it is not guaranteed that your dog will never develop them. Regular veterinary check-ups and preventive care are still essential for maintaining your dog's health and well-being.

Stops unwanted litters

Every year, millions of dogs end up in animal shelters, and many are euthanised due to a lack of resources and space. Allowing your dog to have a litter of puppies contributes to the overpopulation problem and increases the number of dogs in shelters.

We understand that you might want to experience seeing puppies being born. And while puppies are very cute, giving birth can still be risky, with many dogs requiring c-sections which can cost upwards of $3000. Unwanted pregnancies and taking care of puppies are also time-consuming and costly, let alone that you're bringing more dogs into the world when plenty are looking for homes already.

Common myths about female dog desexing

Female dogs should have a litter of puppies before getting desexed

Fact: Letting your female dog have a litter of puppies will not make them a better dog, and dogs do not experience the "joys of pregnancy" the way that humans do. In fact, letting your dog have puppies can actually increase the chances of developing mammary gland tumours.

Desexing will cause my dog to gain weight

Fact: While it is true that some dogs may gain weight after desexing, this is not always the case. Weight gain is often a result of overfeeding and lack of exercise, not the surgery itself. With proper diet and exercise, your dog can maintain a healthy weight after desexing.

Desexing will change my dog's personality

Fact: Desexing will not change your dog's fundamental personality. However, it does have some behavioural benefits, like reducing behaviours related to the heat cycle, such as aggression and restlessness. Genetics and early socialisation, not surgery, determine your dog's temperament and behaviour.

Desexing is painful and traumatic for my dog

Fact: Desexing is a routine surgical procedure that is performed under general anesthesia. While discomfort and recovery may occur after the surgery, a veterinarian will closely monitor your dog and provide pain medication to manage any discomfort.

Desexing is expensive

Fact: While there is a cost associated with the desexing procedure, it can actually save you money in the long run by preventing costly health problems and avoiding the expenses associated with caring for a litter of puppies.

Do you have more questions about dog desexing? Give our friendly team a call today!

What happens when your dog gets desexed


It's important to come in for a consultation prior to getting your dog desexed. This is so the vet can check your dog's health and if she is on heat. Desexing dogs on heat is difficult and riskier, so the vet must do a pre-surgical check.

The night before your surgery, you must take away all food; water is okay. This is to reduce the chances of your dog vomiting during surgery. If your dog accidentally eats something, please let our team know.

You must drop your dog at the clinic first thing in the morning. We will give you some paperwork to fill out and sign to ensure all details are correct and that give permission for the procedure.

The desexing procedure

Before the procedure, your dog might receive a pre-anesthetic exam and blood work to ensure she is healthy enough for surgery and an intravenous drip to keep her hydrated. These are generally recommended for older dogs. She will also be given sedation to ensure she is calm before surgery.

During the procedure, your dog will be placed under general anesthesia, and the veterinarian will make a small incision in her abdomen to remove her ovaries and uterus. After the procedure, your dog will be monitored closely as she wakes up from anesthesia and is given pain relief. Once she's recovered, we'll call you to pick her up and then go through detailed instructions for her post-operative care.

Post-operative care

Your dog will need special care and attention following her desexing procedure. It is important to restrict her activity for a few days after the surgery and to keep her calm and comfortable. You will need to monitor her incision site for signs of infection or swellings. We will provide you with detailed instructions for post-operative care, including information on pain management, feeding, and exercise restrictions.

Some dogs like to chew their stitches; the site can become itchy as the healing starts. This will need to be prevented. Use a cone or ask your vet for dimethyl phthalate (a bitter liquid) so you can dab around the surgical site. It tastes horrible, so they'll stop licking very quickly!

Risks and complications of desexing female dogs

Like any major surgery, there are some risks associated with desexing your female dog. These can include bleeding, infection, and adverse reactions to anesthesia. However, the risks associated with desexing are relatively low, and the benefits to your dog’s health and well-being are significant.

Female dog desexing costs

The cost of desexing female dogs is a little more expensive than desexing a male dog as the procedure takes longer and is more invasive. The cost of desexing your female dog can depend on its breed, weight and age.

The cost may also increase if your dog requires pre-anaesthetic blood tests or if your dog has a hernia that will need to be fixed while in surgery.

A hernia is a condition where an organ or tissue protrudes through a hole or weakened area in the surrounding muscle or connective tissue. There are several types of hernias that can occur in dogs, including inguinal hernias, umbilical hernias, and diaphragmatic hernias.

Inguinal hernias are the most common type of hernia in female dogs. They occur when a portion of the intestine protrudes through a weakened area in the abdominal wall near the groin. Inguinal hernias can be caused by genetics, trauma, or prolonged straining during bowel movements.

To get a quote for desexing your female puppy or dog, contact our friendly team at 9842 5330.

Female dog desexing in Melbourne

At Doncaster Vet Hospital, we are committed to providing the highest quality care for your furry friend. If you are considering desexing your female dog, we are here to help.

Our experienced veterinarians will provide personalised care and attention to ensure your dog’s safety and comfort throughout the procedure and recovery process.

Do you want to book your dog for desexing or talk to one of our friendly nurses about desexing your female dog?