How to cope with the loss of a pet

Doting pet owners know that the best things in life are furry. Pets offer companionship and unconditional love, so losing your furry best friend can be one of the most painful experiences.

Here are some of the most comforting ways to help you cope with the loss of your pet.

Use rituals to pay tribute to your pet

Holding a funeral and creating a memorial for your pet can help you to say goodbye and honour their memory. You may gather together as a family and share happy memories of your pet, then plant a tree or make a plaque to mark where they lay to rest. Alternatively, you may cremate your pet and have their ashes placed in a special urn.

Allow time to grieve 

It is so important to give yourself and other members of your family time to grieve. This includes other pets that were present in the life of your past pet. 

Some signs of grief to look for in your other pets may include changes in their personality, mood or appetite. Whining, howling, sulking and crying are all quite common traits of grieving pets. Patience and time are recommended to get everyone through the grieving process.

Don’t neglect your remaining pets’ schedules

To maintain a degree of normalcy, it is important to keep up with the routines of your other pets. This is helpful for both the owner and other pets in the family.

Practice self-care

As you transition back to the normalcy of everyday life, there will most likely be times when the saddening experience of losing your pet will resurface in your mind. When this happens, it’s important to acknowledge how you’re feeling and take care of yourself by walking, going to the gym, reading a book, watching TV or enjoying another pastime you enjoy. Any activity that calms you down and de-stresses you is highly encouraged.

Ask for help or support

Don’t shy away from talking about your experience and emotions to friends and family, as they will most likely be the ones who help you confront your feelings and work through your anguish. If for any reason you don’t feel you can talk to these people, then a therapist is also a good option when seeking support.

How long should you wait before getting a new pet?

We know that it can be hard to fill the void left by your pet, but be sure not to rush into the idea of a replacement pet. It can take anywhere from a few weeks or months to a year or more before you are ready to bring a new pet into your home and life. Give yourself enough time to grieve your loved one and ensure you are enthusiastic about expanding your furry family before doing so.

Choose a caring and compassionate vet in Melbourne

Feeling heartbroken after the loss of a pet is completely normal and nothing to be ashamed of. Try to reflect on the joy they brought you rather than the pain of their passing. If you think your pet may be at the end of its life, our caring and compassionate vets can help you make this difficult decision and take you through the process. Contact us to speak to one of our team today.


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